Sunday, April 28, 2019

Female Kharacter's Klothing in Mortal Kombat 11

Image result for mk11 jade

Let me start off by saying that women can wear whatever they want, as long they are not hurting anybody, women should wear whatever that makes them happy and comfortable with themselves. But in this blog post we are not going to be talking about real life, we are going to be discussing Mortal Kombat 11. Mortal Kombat is a series that I hold very dear to my heart despite all of the gore and violent spirited nature of the franchise, it is a franchise that makes me connect with the characters and for that I will have nothing but love for this series. While Mortal Kombat is special to me, there is no denying that one of its major flaws was it customization of female characters. Where we can see this take place is in the game Mortal Kombat 9.

Image result for sonya bladeThis was the first game in the Mortal Kombat reboot and it has been praised for its Story Mode and game play but the female character designs were less than satisfying. For example, let’s take the character of Sonya Blade. This is a character who is supposed to be a General in the Special Forces. She does a lot of hands on fighting and is always on the for front when it comes to saving another. This outfit just does not make a lot of sense for a General. Also she is in heels, so it would be very difficult to fight in tournaments in said heels. The developers realized this how ridiculous this was as well. The art director Steve Beran states "Our design is just getting more mature and respectful. You’re not going to wear a bikini to a fight. You’re not going to be showing so much skin. I think it’s just what the game is about: You’re going in to fight for your life, and you’re not going to be wearing such scantily clad items." 
Going by their word, in Mortal Kombat 11 the designs of the female characters were a lot less sexy and the portions were a lot more realistic.

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People lost their minds over this change. They said that Netherrealm Studios has gone too far and were trying too hard to be politically correct and that would be the games downfall. I disagree, Female characters looking like fighters, which they are supposed to be is not a bad thing. To go further, these new designs have so much more personality than the previous ones ever have. Take Scarlet, from her Mortal Kombat 11 outfit we can see she is some one who deals with blood, judging by the villas on her waist. That one thing is already better from what we can say from her Mortal Kombat 9 outfit, where she is basically a re skinned Sonya. A debate I see quite often with this discussion is 'what about the male characters, they are shirtless?" While, yes that is true. Male Characters are not shirtless because they are being sexualized but to show power.With these new designs female characters are projecting strength and power as well. So that is where the difference lies between the two. People are boycotting Mortal Kombat 11 over this and I find that really ridiculous. If you are only playing Mortal Kombat to see half nude fictional characters, then you completely missing the point of the franchise. Long story short, women are allowed to wear clothing, people need to grow up.

Image result for jade mk11 gif


  1. I have never played these types of games, yet I have seen the many examples of how games and movies can give their female characters clothes that are not actually suited for fighting or combat. What is strange is that men's combat clothes for this sort of show/game is always very concealing and well-suited for combat. Why do you think men are not depicted in the same style of clothing many women tend to be depicted in during combat style games or movies?

  2. I believe this is because of the idea of women are just more sexulized in media than men. There is a thing were women are the sexy assassin or warrior while when are just warriors or assassins. Women have always been sexualized in media no matter what.
