So this is weird. I’m not sure if I was the only one but I really enjoyed doing these due to the sheer fact that I consume an insane amount of media and doing these blogs made me hyper aware of that fact. I remember talking to my teacher and telling him according to my phone I was on YouTube for nine hours a day and watching his face just be in utter shock. I didn’t think it was such a big deal but looking back on it, it is. I need to learn how to disconnect from media, to enjoy my friends and family and to just take a second and breathe. Today, during our English final I remember everyone being on their phones or laptops, I was not an expectation. I think that people love media and the internet so much is that it cures our boredom. Before I had a phone or any electrical devices I was bored all of the time, now never. That’s okay, I don’t think that media is this devil out to get the world, its there to do its job, which is to entertain. It’s always cool and a bit scary to know what tactics these companies are doing to sell us things, it’s good to be aware. Anywho, these blogs were a lot of fun I’m going to miss them. Bye.
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Saturday, June 1, 2019
I just really don't like David Cage and his "games" but mostly Detroit

David Cage is just not a good person. He has done a lot of creeping things to his employees. For example, in David Cage's fourth game, Beyond Two Souls, they used a lot of facial recognition technology and they did this for the main characters. The main actress, Ellen Page, said that she did not want a nude model of her at all but David Cage made one anyway. This did not make it into the game but the model leaked on to the Internet so Ellen Page's privacy was invaded against her will. Another thing that was reported that he makes very uncomfortable and inappropriate jokes towards his employees and it overall being a toxic work environment. Also, he always has these tropes in his games that are really bad and unnecessary to the game. He always has some time of sexual assault and child murder in his games and when it comes up it just comes off as insensitive and inappropriate.
David Cage's newest game is honestly the worst one he has made up to date, this game is called Detroit: Become Human. The reason why I consider this game to be the worst one to date because it is the first time David Cage tried to hit on real world subjects like racism in America. An immediate problem with this is that David Cage is a white guy from France so he already has a disconnect with American history especially slavery and Jim Crow laws. Another problem is that he tried to do too much with too little time and resources. David tried to touch on Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Anti- Semitism, Domestic Violence, Sex Work, and Xenophobia all in one game. These sensitive issues are too complex to be put together sloppy. But the biggest issue is that he tried to replace actual people with Robots. This is a big issue because these types of issues do not hold the same type of weight with robots because they are machines not humans. In this game they do look human but they run on computer logic and are made of wires, so when you are trying to do a side by side comparison to how white slave owners justified slavery and how people do not think robots are human it falls apart. It ends up with you looking like you are justifying slavery and downplaying it. You cannot try to talk about these real word issues using robots because they are inherently different on the inside unlike slaves who were always humans and will always be, they felt real pain and emotions and cannot just turn it off like a robot in this game can and does.
David Cage is a bad writer. He is really incompetent and honestly really should stop making games, but until he does we can always laugh about how badly written these games really are.

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